AGC DISTANT LEARNING CAMP is an innovative and creative program, and AGC's answer to help parents return to work while ensuring their kids start off the school year in a safe, productive and enriching environment.
Our goal is to assist our Las Vegas community in returning to their essential employment, and to provide their children (and our students) the much needed support and guidance in not only their distance learning requirements, but their physical fitness programs as well. In this delicate time, we are taking extra care to support our community and provide families with peace of mind. We strictly follow CDC guidelines and protocols, as well as city, county and state mandates. (Please CLICK HERE for details).
AGC DISTANT LEARNING CAMP has credentialed staff on site Monday through Friday to monitor and assist your child with online distance learning daily.
AGC and AGC DISTANT LEARNING CAMP understands that the current learning situation is fluid and we are planning to accommodate each student’s individual needs.
Reservations are on a first come first served basis –Limited spots available.
Payment is required in full and absences are not refunded.
Weekly / Monthly options only – no daily drop-ins allowed.